
AI powered crypto mixing tools

Utilize Telegram to mix and transfer digital currencies effectively while maintaining security and anonymity. 0xConnect enable transactional privacy by breaking the on-chain link between depositor and recipient addresses.

AI powered Auditor tools

An organized assessment of a contract's coding and functionality using AI auditor tools ensures its dependability, security, and safety. Finding any potential flaws or weaknesses in the contract's execution and design is the audit's main goal. The auditor identifies patterns and anomalies in the code and flags potential issues for further examination using machine learning techniques.

Dex aggregator

Find the best price rate possible for the user from the supported exchanges and allow the user to approve and execute the swap transaction.

Revenue share

0xConnect redistributes revenues collected from fees charged on the platform back to people who hold the coin. Access a reliable and fulfilling passive income stream by joining the 0xConnect community.

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